Shemford Futuristic School managed by the C.L. Memorial Shiksha to provides quality and holistic education to its students. Over the years, Shemford Futuristic School Jhansi has scripted success stories of trust, excellence and innovation and has created new benchmarks in the field of education. Spearheaded by Mr. P.N. Awasthi and Mrs. Prabha Awasthi, who are true leaders and visionaries Shemford Futuristic School Jhansi has gone through it all; braving challenges, winning victories and changing with the times, to offer quality education to the students.

In Shemford Futuristic School, a strong emphasis is laid on kindling and fostering the academic, artistic and creative abilities and talents of students, so as to develop them individuals with character, vision and resourcefulness. Today, Shemford Futuristic School stands as a testimony to the dedicated service of its founders and is moving ahead with determination to make the institution a name to be reckoned with, in the field of education.

Some Features of the School

ShemFord School shines in many ways. Here are but a few.

  • Caring environment.
  • Strong community connections.
  • Digital Classes.
  • Labs And Library.
  • Yoga classes.
  • Solar Panel.
  • Music (Vocal & Instrumental).